Why is it important to purchase ‘Make in India’ Products?
Using ‘Make in India’ products will surely benefit our country directly and indirectly. Putting an end to unnecessary imports and swapping them with ‘Make in India’ products will transform India and provide job opportunities to lakhs of people in India. Being an Indian, it is our duty to help our fellow Indians. We should support our Indian sellers and manufactures by buying swadeshi products and boycotting foreign products. It will even prevent our currency from going outside the country and the GDP will also be increased.
Benefits of ‘Make in India’
1.) By purchasing Indian products, a large amount of capital will be raised in the market, which will further result in higher market capitalization and money rotation in the market.
2.) India is excessively dependent on imports, but if there will be a growth in the sales of Indian products then we will be able to export products in the world markets. It will further create some sort of equality between the import and export ratio.
3.) If there will be a boost in Indian products, then the companies belonging to Indian origin or foreign origin will have to set up their headquarters in the country itself, which will further keep the data of the country’s citizens safe.
4.) ‘Make in India’ campaign will also create a decent sense among the world’s residents about Indian companies. It is considered a bit shameless, if one’s nation’s residents don’t buy their own goods.
5.) The money spared from locally manufactured goods can be put back in local companies which will further improve the quality and net worth of companies.
6.) Giving preference to ‘Make in India’ products will also be very beneficial for small and medium enterprises.
All the above points will happen only if the businesses don’t transfer their assets to other countries. The logic is very simple that the money we pay for buying goods goes to the manufacturer. If this manufacturer will be Indian he will have to pay taxes to the government for his earnings. So, the government will have more money to do development in the country. Also, the manufacturer will use his profits to create more job opportunities in the country. More job opportunities guarantee more purchasing power for consumers and the cycle continues. The economies are incorporated with one another in such a way that the flow of goods can’t be restricted. It is very important to consider that the consumers only look for products’ quality and don’t really think about the other factors restricting them from buying.
So Hokosoko one of the Indian marketplace which is dedicated to providing ‘Make in India’ product to its customers. You can find range of good quality products sold by Indian sellers and manufactures at Hokosoko